We want Rotaract members to have fun while making the world a better place. Include the following activities in your 2017-18 plans and you won’t just keep members energized and attract new ones, you’ll also earn a Rotary Citation for your efforts. Your club has the entire Rotary year — 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 — to achieve the citation’s goals.
Your accomplishments will be verified automatically through the data you provide using My Rotary. You don’t need to submit any forms or reports. Rotaract club presidents can track progress toward each goal on My Rotary. To earn the citation, clubs must achieve two required goals and at least five other goals.
Support and strengthen clubs
By keeping your club linked to Rotary International and your sponsor Rotary club, you’ll be able to access Rotary
resources to strengthen and support your club.
Required: Report your club’s president on My Rotary.
Required: Confirm the club’s membership roster through the Club Administration page on My Rotary.
Have at least 50 percent of club members list their skills and interests in their My Rotary profiles and unlock that section to display it to others.
Focus and increase humanitarian service
Through local and international service projects, clubs address global humanitarian challenges by promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, protecting the environment, and ending polio.
Make a difference by finding opportunities to collaborate on projects in our areas of focus, inspire others by sharing your successes, and support The Rotary Foundation.
Conduct a community or international service project related to one of Rotary’s six areas of focus and post it in Rotary Showcase.
Carry out at least one project focused on the environment and post it in Rotary Showcase, marking it with the environment category.
Use Rotary’s crowdsourcing platform, Rotary Ideas, to contribute to a project or seek resources for one of your club’s projects.
Contribute to The Rotary Foundation, directing a gift of any amount to either the Annual Fund or PolioPlus.
Enhance Rotary’s public image and awareness
A positive public image improves your club’s relationship with your community and attracts prospective members.
Establish or maintain a club website or social media pages. Expand your reach by updating the links to your website or social media pages through the Club Administration page on My Rotary.
Update your club’s meeting location, time, and day through the Club Administration page on My Rotary.
Source: www.rotary.org